Class of 2024: From Student to Alumni

Congratulations, Class of 2024!

As you navigate the days following graduation, the Campbell University Alumni Association is happy to support your next steps as a college graduate.  This page is dedicated to helping you make the transition from student to alumnus, in hopes that you will stay connected with your alma mater throughout the years. This is an exciting time of transition and change. 

The Alumni Association connects alumni to the university and each other, in communities across the country. Membership is automatic and free. Below are some resources we’ve put together for you to make your transition from student to alumnus easier.

We’re so proud of you and your hard work and wish you the best of luck and many future successes.


New Alumnus Checklist
  • Stay updated with Campbell news and events by updating your contact information, including email addresses. Update your info →
  • Utilize LinkedIn to connect with alumni. Follow our Office 
  • Build your Campbell network within your local community. Join a network →
  • Save the date for Homecoming, October 26! You’re always invited back to the Creek to celebrate your alumni status. View details →
  • Let us celebrate with you – new job, wedding, baby announcements, etc.  Submit your class note →
Speed Dating with Life

This Speed Dating with Life video series introduces Campbell alumni who have already paved the way on important topics that you may find helpful. Each of these short videos offers tips and advice on these topics.

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